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Echipa preșcolară Sf. Bernadette’s Bees

Echipa de management

Pasionați, dedicați și iubitoare, profesorii de la preșcoala St Bernadette's Bees își iubesc munca și se vede în tot ceea ce fac. Scopul nostru este să facem o diferență pozitivă asupra copiilor mici  care vin la școala noastră preșcolară.

Preschool Manager

Joanne Davey
Early Years Teacher Status

BA (Hons) Level 6
Designated Safeguarding lead
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Paediatric First Aid

Deputy Preschool Manager

Elise Savage
QCF Level 5
Diploma Level 3

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Special Educational Needs Coordinator 
Paediatric First Aid

Finance Manager

Early Years Practitioner


Natalie Hewson
Diploma Level 3
Paediatric First Aid

Early Years Practitioner


Sophie Chislett
Diploma Level 3
Paediatric First Aid

Early Years Practitioner

Niki Barron
NNEB Level 3
Paediatric First Aid

Early Years Practitioner

Millie Haggar
Working towards Level 3
Paediatric First Aid

Early Years Practitioner


Gunta Sauka
Working towards level 3
Paediatric First Aid

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The Board of Trustees

The pre-school board of trustees is responsible for governing the pre-school, providing strategic advice and support to managers, and acting in the best interest of the children.

Matt Rose - Persoana din scaun

Amy Bradford - secretar

Mark Kane - Trezorier


Membrii comisiei:

Sheena Giga

Liz Rose

Natasha West

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